Tennis is one of the most popular sports worldwide. there are many reasons why people enjoy tennis.

YOUR BRAIN: Reduce Stress
Tennis helps you deal with physical, mental, social and emotional challenges, which increases your capacity to deal with stress.

Increase Brain Power
From alertness to tactical thinking, tennis enhances the neural connections in your brain. Kids who play tennis regularly get better grades. (According to a 2013 USTA study)

Learn to Solve Problems
Tennis is a sport that is based on evaluating angles, geometry and physics to get the best result, which translates into better problem-solving off the court. In the late 1990s, several experts proposed that tennis, since it requires alertness and tactical thinking, may generate new connections between nerves in the brain and promote a lifetime of continuing brain development.


Get Fit
Lose Weight. Burn Calories– An hour of singles play can burn 580-870 calories.
(According to Oja, et al, Brit J Sports Med, 2016)

Live Longer
Playing just 3 hours/week will reduce your risk of heart disease 56%.
(According to a 2016 Harvard University study)

Strengthen Heart, Muscles and Bones
Compared to other sports, tennis players have the lowest incidence of cardiovascular disease.
(40-year study conducted by Johns Hopkins University)

Develop Hand-Eye Coordination
Playing tennis involves several skills that all contribute to good hand-eye coordination. You can improve your agility, balance, coordination, reaction time and more.

Tennis is one of the best total-body workouts you can get. “It’s a high-intensity interval training workout that burns between 400 and 1,000 calories an hour,” says Mark Kovacs, PhD. … Playing tennis two to three times a week also boosts your stamina, coordination, and bone density. …. Play Tennis!