The purpose of this course is to create an avenue for adults to play tennis, creating a healthy lifestyle for Everyone.

Tennis Xpress – For  complete beginners to tennis and who have never played tennis before, or have received basic coaching but have never played the game outside of a coaching environment, or are beginners returning to tennis after a long absence

Aadults will to learn tennis in an easy, active, and fun way using slower balls so that they can play the game as soon as possible!

By the end of the course… Adults will able to serve, rally, & score with the Orange or Green ball on a full-court using match tie-break scoring; they will know the basic techniques, tactics,  the Rules of Tennis and will be able to play competitively using low compression balls…

Space is limited; adhering to CV-19 Guidelines … Accepting 15 Participants … One of the many major plus points of tennis is that you can start or restart playing the game at any age. It’s as easy as picking up a racket … Equipment provided.

~ Get Fit! Get Active!   When You move your Body, You move your Mind &

bvi education center
General Delivery, Long Look / East End Tortola, BVI. Email:
Coach: Carol M. Mitchell   #: 343-3113

Adults 18 Years & Up
Play Tennis The Easy Way / Tennis Xpress Course:


3 + 4 =

Course FEE: $40.00
June 9th – July 9th, 2020 @ 5.30 – 6.30 pm.
10 Tennis Sessions / Tuesday’ & Thursdays’