The Coach As A Leader
Leadership is the process of influencing people so that they strive, willingly and enthusiastically, toward the achievement of their goals. More...
Tennis – All Ages
~ Tennis, a sport with numerous health benefits for individuals of all ages. Anaerobic fitness by offering short, intense bursts of activity during...
Tennis is Easy
~Tennis is easy… when coaches use the slower Red, Orange and Green balls Tennis is fun… when starter players serve, rally and score from the first...
Benefits of Playing Tennis
~ Tennis is a popular sport for both children and adults—and for good reason. It provides a full body workout, gets your heart pumping, and burns at...
Tennis Xpress…Play Tennis The Easy Way!
The purpose of this course is to create an avenue for adults to play tennis, creating a healthy lifestyle for Everyone. Tennis Xpress - For ...
The Coach As A Communicator
While understanding and using specific mental skills training (MST) is essential to optimize coaching, alone it is not enough. The coach needs to...