SABALS Law Christmas Hamper
SABALAS Law Christmas Hamper is a tournament based on skill level and not age level. Competitive match play is good for players development.
SABALAS Law Christmas Hamper is a tournament based on skill level and not age level. Competitive match play is good for players development.
~ We cannot host the BVI Open but the Xpress Mixer is close enough. Playing competitive matches help players train their mind, not just their skills. Tournaments are the best way to chart player's progress. Competitive match play improves player development. Sincerely appreciate Bio)Safe Treatment & Septic Solutions for sponsoring our event and all they […]
Developmemnt tournaments help improve skill development.
We are thankful to OneMart Supermarket for allowing us to host this cash/trophy tournament. Many will remenber the popuplar tournament " BVI Open" The majority of the players were regional […]